Saturday, August 16, 2014

White Privilege

 I was in an interesting discussion regarding White Privilege and what to do about it. I refuse to feel guilty. I hate injustice. That said I have had a night to think about it... and have two cents to offer. The issues revealed in Ferguson MO are more complex than we understand. Revelations about the shooter and the shot are helping to flesh out the reality of that moment. Silence is our enemy. Read on, we must speak up:

When abuse takes place, ie a car full of black men are stopped and frisked for no reason, SHAME must be placed on the abusers. We now have media we didn't have in 1965 when many of us because active. We can place names and faces in public and say THIS IS WRONG. I don't see that now. An onslaught of public shaming of abuse from police and officials will help turn this silence around. A public showing of names and faces of the abusers will bring justice.

In the same vein, Silence must cease in the community. Fearless outing of evil influences will bring a halt to the things that create suspicion. If snitches get stitches then stitches should be the mark of a red badge of courage. Silence when people are shot on the street has to be stopped. Speaking up and not only shaming but stopping further sanctions of miscreant action is the only way to clean out the clutter of lawless behavior that colors the whole community.

Those of us who are skin color privileged must find ways to help increase privilege of those who are not yet privileged because of ethnic heritage (including colors). My trying to reduce any privilege for me brings no one else's up. I can honor and partner with those who need hope and a leg up. That doesn't include any government programs, money or "restitution". A rejection of any sniff of victim hood has to be a first step in turning this around.

Wisdom in a cause celeb must be made. Not every police action is abuse, some are, some are simply a cop doing what he gets paid for. Be careful not to find yourself on a bandwagon pulled by people who profit by division of people. There are many. They are easily identified. You will only rise as far as those to whom you submit yourself.. and some of those men are a step way down. They will keep you in the trap they set. Lies and deception. We have had a few of these over the years. Truth is your friend.

Overlooking lawlessness because of racial issues reduces the potential to neutralizing white privilege. I keep posting videos of looters. I keep asking, people know who these people are. They are obvious. Yet no one comes forward to say, "That's so and so". They are operating from FEAR. Fear of rejection. You can't expect to have bold results if you are not bold. As long as lawless behavior is accepted lawless behavior will persist. That is not in my hands as a white man. These flash mobs in Chicagoland over the last few years are clear. They are made up of clear identity... yet nothing happens. The Ferguson Riot Looting without comment is troubling.

We must begin to help the generations to come find ways to develop the privilege they need to have to live better and with less fear. That means less sports and more skills. More ethics and less Ethos (accepted cultural norms). Better family formation and less fornication without consequence for the boys/men. We need to have dads dig out the shotguns. Sex before marriage has been a norm since ever, but with abortion, getting married is optional. It's not just about teaching them about Jesus, that's good, even critical, but you can know all about the word of God and still miss it. Look at the good Godly men and women who simply because of skin color are held in suspicion. Rise above.

Excellence is the answer. A generation ago there used to be a women's rights movement. They had to learn to do everything a man could do but twice as good. I would tell you that they succeeded. I won't point to all the statistics. The same applies. Whatever anyone who ascribes to bringing up the whole must be more excellent in all things. I hate to admit this but I give Hispanic privilege to ones who apply to work for me. They are more excellent than any other cultural group. Is that type casting? Yes.. but the culture exudes excellence in my field.

This must come from the people in the community. IF once we can get outside of ourselves and begin to ask the question, WHY. and then WHY. and then WHY until we get to the core issues we will be trapped in a victim mentality that we will pass on to our children. The cultural failures and core issues must be dealt with. If not your children will be followed around Wal Mart 40 years from now. Change must come form the inside out. We know that spiritually. It's true culturally. No one can do it for us. We must do it ourselves.

I see a better day when men women girls and boys ARE judged by the color of our skin because it represents our collective character. With MLK I disagree in this. Look at how orientals are treated in business (desirable). Look at how Hispanics are treated in food service, agriculture (desirable). How Indian folks are respected in medicine. I believe that when that day comes and it can if we tackle it now, when a person of color shows up in Wal Mart the Greeter smiles widely and says WELCOME and means it. When a person of color shows up at a job interview people perk up and say how can we get this guy (or gal). It can happen. It happens in other cultures on the planet. Why not here is the real question. We can't do anything about the color of our skin, but we can do something about the culture that imputes privilege or a lack thereof to us. It starts with the guy in the mirror.

We receive what we allow to be sanctioned in our lives. Stop sanctioning those cultural degradations that demean. Silence is sanction.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

President Obama, Meet Bus... from underneath,

 courtesy of Hillary Clinton (who incidentally is running for something and was never part of your administration at all nor had any part in any decision making authority whatsoever. Just a poor innocent wife of a philandering hick from Arkansas.)

Liberals will ruin everything they touch

Chicago is in a bad place because of all the republicans who have been running the city for decades now.

.... Just like Detroit --- or Illinois. We have an election coming up .. it won't make any difference. The fools will vote in the fools and nothing changes
Photo: Chicago is in a bad place because of all the republicans who have been running the city for decades now.

.... Just like Detroit --- or Illinois.   We have an election coming up .. it won't make any difference.  The fools will vote in the fools and nothing changes

it takes a lot of faith to be an atheist.

Jews, Christians and even Muslims have the principles of the Ten Commandments in their holy books. Who objects to this? This is part of our common law (natural law) in the USA. Who can argue with this..?? Oh yeah, Atheists..
A federal judge says the city of Bloomfield, New Mexico must remove a monument inscribed with the Ten Commandments from the lawn in front of Bloomfield City Hall.
Read more:

Photo: A federal judge says the city of Bloomfield, New Mexico must remove a monument inscribed with the Ten Commandments from the lawn in front of Bloomfield City Hall. 

WEIGH IN: What are your thoughts on the ruling?
Read more:

She was right... I would have told him to kiss another part of my anatomy

Sharpton HELPS?

This is interesting and worth reading. A black conservative woman writes about what Sharpton is doing and she understands his focus... I learned something in this. I knee jerked when I heard he was headed to MO. I don't think a raging fire needs a flame thrower to put it out. YET... that's not what he is doing. OH he's lib, he's for big government and gun control et al. The very police unions that are protecting the cop in this case are the very same unions Sharpton will support in a few weeks for more power. Still in all.. he is a force for good and I learned something here.

No Help

Try to help the homeless with a job. Hopeless effort. The obstacles are too great. The ones I try to hire insist on cash, no paycheck. Too many judgments and court orders out there to suck away any money they make. That's why they are homeless. I can't do that. Workman's comp is the hold up. I can't be exposed. Lawyers. They can't get to work because they don't have a license to drive. DUIs et al. Its a difficult situation. I would love to help. Have lots of work to be done. I just can't do it off the books. I have suggested to our local shelters that they might consider dealing with these two issues... they don't want to hear about it. I guess the idea of doing well by doing good isn't really workable anymore.

Wimpy Wimpy Wimpy

Did you ever know a kid in school that was wimpy, winy and weak. You felt sorry for him. You wanted to help him, but it was many times easier to ignore him, be quietly critical (why doesn't he try a little harder) or keep your distance. He was too needy. Too hard to give a rip about. Not that you were trying to be cruel, but you only have so much time and whenever you invested in a guy like that he bit you, he was mean, he rejected your advance to help. SO.. it was easier to stay away. Leave him alone.

Today I got this imagery by the Holy Ghost that's how most of the secular world sees the Church in the USA. Cranky needy, wimpy, weak and full of self pity. We just aren't a player any more. Without power. Without influence.

So what are we going to do about it?

I have such a woman and she is worth more than all the gold in the world. He who findeth a WIFE findeth a GOOD thing



When the force is too much with you

Play Video

Now that #Iraq is in flames, Obama says the U.S. pullout "wasn't his decision."


There is no more a debacle of public education than the Chicago Public School system...... unless you count the Minneapolis Public School System. It's a waste of money and doesn't educate students. If there were ever an argumentation for the use of vouchers and private education, this is it. Look at these abominable statistics:

Spending per student, 2013-2014: Almost $22,000 vs. the statewide average of $10,674 in 2010-2011 (that’s the most recent data available for Minnesota, but spending per pupil has been flat for four years), source.

Student to teacher ratio: 11.9-to-1 (source) vs. the statewide and national averages of about 16-to-1 (source).

High School Graduation Rate in 2013: Under 54% vs. 79% statewide average (source).

High School Graduation Rates in 2013 by ethnic group: American Indian (37%), black (43.6%), Latino (41.3%), Asian (68%), white (72.1%), source.

Short Comcast

Every time the comcast guy comes round to try to get me to switch from AT&T I remind him of these things. They must be the worst company on the planet.. but they are so big they get away with it. Maybe it's a good time to go short their stock in the market. You cannot poop on people and get away with it forever

Season Change

Red Beets cooking on the stove, it's cold outside, Bearz on da TEEVEE (Ch 7), Leaf turn starting. I SMELL FOOTBALL!! Life is GOOD

Why Men Can't Win (this is a joke, I copied and pasted and have no authorship, but it made me smile, hope you will too)

If you put a woman on a pedestal and try to protect her from the rat race, you're a male chauvinist. If you stay home and do the housework, you're a pansy.

If you work too hard, there is never any time for her. If you don't work enough, you're a good-for-nothing bum.

If she has a boring repetitive job with low pay, this is exploitation. If you have a boring repetitive job with low pay, you should get off your rear and find something better.

If you get a promotion ahead of her, that is favoritism. If she gets a job ahead of you, it's equal opportunity.

If you mention how nice she looks, it's sexual harassment. If you keep quiet, it's male indifference.

If you cry, you're a wimp. If you don't, you're an insensitive clod.

If you buy her flowers, you're after something. If you don't, you're not thoughtful.

If you make a decision without consulting her, you're a chauvinist. If she makes a decision without consulting you, she's a liberated woman.

If you ask her to do something she doesn't enjoy, that's domination. If she asks you, it's a favor.

If you try to keep yourself in shape, you're vain. If you don't, you're a slob.

If you're proud of your achievements, you're up on yourself. If you don't, you're not ambitious.

If you're totally beat after a hard day, you don't care about other people's needs. If she's totally beat after a hard day, she's tired.

If Men Ruled the World...

    Nodding and looking at your watch would be deemed an acceptable response to "I love you."

    Each year, your raise would be pegged to the fortunes of the NFL team of your choice.

    The funniest guy in the office would get to be CEO.

    At the end of the workday, a whistle would blow and you'd jump out your window and slide down the tail of a brontosaurus and right into your car.

    It'd be considered harmless fun to gather 30 friends, put on horned helmets, and go pillage a nearby town.

    Tanks would be far easier to rent.

    Instead of beer belly, you'd get "beer biceps."

    Instead of an expensive engagement ring, you could present your wife-to-be with a giant foam hand that said, "You're #1!"

    Valentine's Day would be moved to February 29th so it would only occur in leap years.

    The only show opposite Monday Night Football would be Monday Night Football from a Different Camera Angle.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Why we are where we are

What's it for?

and How will we know if it worked?

Answer these two questions first, please. If it's worth doing, it's worth knowing before you do it.

A hammer is for getting nails into wood, and it's pretty easy to tell if it does the job well. That's one reason why we have so many good hammers available to us--real clarity about what it's for, and whether it works or not.

Too often, we wait until we see what something does before we decide what we built it for.

Monday, August 11, 2014


Greatest photo EVER?

Photo: Greatest photo EVER?!

ONLY In America......

Canada’s version of David Letterman's Top 10. Just makes you wanna shake your head in disbelief.

This is Canada's Top Ten List of America's Stupidity.

Of course we look like idiots .... because we are.

Number 10 Only in America could politicians talk about the greed of the rich at a $35,000-per-plate Obama fund-raising event.

Number 9 Only in America could people claim that the government discriminates against black Americans when the President is black, the Attorney General is black, and roughly 20% of the federal workforce is black. While only 14% of the population is black, 40+% of all federal entitlements go to black Americans – three times the rate that goes to whites, five times the rate that goes to Hispanics!

Number 8 Only in America could the two people most responsible for the tax code--Timothy Geithner (former head of the Treasury Department) and Charles Rangel (who once ran the Ways and Means Committee)--BOTH turn out to be tax cheats who are in favor of higher taxes.

Number 7 Only in America can terrorists kill people in the name of Allah and the media reacts by fretting that Muslims might be harmed by the backlash.

Number 6 Only America would make people who want to immigrate and become legal American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege, while anyone who sneaks into the country illegally just 'magically' becomes an American citizen (probably should be number one).

Number 5 Only in America could people who believe in balancing the budget and abiding by the country's Constitution be thought of as EXTREMISTS.

Number 4 Only in America do people need to present identification to cash a check or buy alcohol, but not to vote.

Number 3 Only in America could people demand the government investigate the oil companies to see if they are gouging the public because the price of gas went up, when the return on equity invested in a major US oil company (Marathon Oil) is less than half of a company making tennis shoes (Nike).

Number 2 Only in America could the government collect more taxes than any nation in recorded history, spend a trillion dollars more per year--for a total expenditure of 7 million dollars PER MINUTE--and complain that it doesn't have nearly enough money.

And Number 1 Only in America could the rich people, who pay 86% of all income taxes, be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't pay any income taxes at all.

“Liberal” Is Just A Synonym For “Smug”

It's astonishing that an ideology which such an unbroken track record of failure has adherents who are so incredibly pleased with themselves. It's like a soda pop executive whose proudest achievement was thinking up New Coke.

For the liberals who aren’t liberal solely because someone is handing them checks for plopping onto the couch all day instead of working, liberalism has become less an ideology than an attitude. It’s an attitude of serene superiority over everyone else based upon absolutely nothing more than liberals’ utter certainty of the rightness of their collectivist cause. That history shows that collectivism always leads to tyranny never seems to put a damper on their confidence.

My new book, Conservative Insurgency, a speculative future history of the struggle to restore our culture to greatness, predicts that one of the reasons America will turn away from liberalism is the utter insufferability of liberals. Hearing them lecturing us on how things should be is like hearing Hillary Clinton lecture us on how to keep our marriages together. In fact, we can probably expect to hear Hillary Clinton lecture us on how to keep our marriages together. After all, she’s the smartest woman in the world with a stellar track record of raising awareness of stuff.

Oh, and just try to press a liberal for an actual, tangible achievement on Hillary’s resume besides enabling her priapic hubby’s tawdry antics. If you do, you’re sexist, cisgender and probably racist.

It’s baffling that they hold themselves in such high regard. Take President Obama, an academic socialist who's never competently performed an executive function in his life, including during the last five years. Yet he somehow still believes himself to be himself to be God’s gift to humanity. Literally.

Faith in the wrong things is worse than no faith at all.

 I think of the priests of Baal dancing around the altar on MT. Carmel. They had faith. Faith in the wrong thing. I am convinced that they really believed that Baal would come thru. They were committed. They didn't think it was a scam. They expected Fire to Fall and consume the sacrifice. I suspect as the day wore on they became more and more disappointed. They were sincere in every way, full of faith.. in the wrong thing.

They are often called deceivers, misleaders, corrupt, evil. I thing Deceived and Delusional is more accurate. It is very very hard for those who are not of God to understand what it means when you put your faith in something.

I have a list of misplaced faith in today's world:
Faith in Government
Faith in Ourselves
Faith in a Spouse
Faith in money
Faith in a Church
Faith in a Spiritual Leader
Faith in a Scam, that Nigerian Prince or the Dinar that is gonna pay big

Faith in anything other than the living God is misplaced faith and will lead to disappointment. It is good to have faith in Leaders, our Spouse or such.. but make sure it is subordinate to your faith in GOD.

I know women do this, insecurity many times

. BUT when I hear MEN do this, I wonder about who they really are. STOP THIS... it makes people think you don't have a clue... man or woman

Pastor Edward is right.

 I abhor police brutality and lawlessness. This was by all accounts that. BUT looting and burning means stores and retail quietly close up and you end up with what we see on South Ashland Ave in Chicago. Steel gated high priced small grocers owned by people other than from the community, boarded up storefronts, empty lots, garbage and liquor stores. You can't a pair of shoes. Somehow the community has to learn to Stifle the idea that looting and rioting accomplishes anything. We still have not recovered on the south side from 1968 when MLK was shot... burned out hulks are still there and empty lots. Not better.
People are rioting in North St.Louis County the city of Ferguson Missouri over a police shooting. The rioting could have been prevented, but the so call Community Leaders used emotion to enraged the people even more. Sad part is that the men of the community is leading the charge. No one knows what truly happened right now, but the so call weak community leaders has propelled this peaceful demonstration with racial undertones.
Burning their community is not going to help. As I look at the news I'm disappointed in all the men that are acting and reacting out of pure emotions.
What makes me even more mad, is just last week a grandmother was gunned down trying to protect her grandchildren from gun fire, where was Al Sharpton, all the despicable black pastors, NAACP and the community leaders at. Shame on all of them.
feeling aggravated.
Photo: People are rioting in North St.Louis County the city of Ferguson Missouri over a police shooting. The rioting could have been prevented, but the so call Community Leaders used emotion to enraged the people even more. Sad part is that the men of the community is leading the charge. No one knows what truly happened right now, but the so call weak community leaders has propelled this peaceful demonstration with racial undertones. 
Burning their community is not going to help. As I look at the news I'm disappointed in all the men that are acting and reacting out of pure emotions. 
What makes me even more mad, is just last week a grandmother was gunned down trying to protect her grandchildren from gun fire, where was Al Sharpton, all the despicable black pastors, NAACP and the community leaders at. Shame on all of them.


“You have to understand that if you seek that office, then you have to be prepared to give your life to it. Essentially, the bargain that I think every President strikes with the American people is, ‘you give me this office, then in turn my fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure, is gone. I am giving myself to you.’”

Posted without any needed comment... it speaks for itself

Most liberals are Anti Semites ... Most Teachers are Liberals.... The union only supports Democrats. ERGO Democrat Liberals are Mostly Anti Semites

This is seriously lame...

Don't be fooled by some media outlets distorting the truth about #Hamas

Photo: Don't be fooled by some media outlets distorting the truth about #Hamas

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Understanding the Pure Evil of Jihad | Radical Islam

When I came home from Iraq in 2008, friends frequently asked me what I
learned “most” from the experience. That’s a tough question to answer,
and it depends greatly on context. I learned many things about my faith,
my family, and my country, but if the question relates to the war
itself, I’d tend to say something like this: “I learned the enemy is
more evil than you can imagine, and I learned that a deployment is more
difficult than you can imagine.” But while the deployment was the
hardest thing I’ve ever done, the chance to play a very small part
(surrounded by a band of brothers) to fight this extraordinary evil made
it the most meaningful year of my life.

Since I’ve returned — and it’s been almost six years — I haven’t
stopped talking about the nature of the jihadist enemy. I share the
stories as much as I can (when the context is appropriate), yet I
continue to be discouraged by how few Americans — and especially how few
of my friends on the left — truly understand (or even try to
understand) what the world faces. So they react in outrage when Israel
strikes at Hamas, use the collapse in Iraq to once again score political
points against President Bush, and use words like “irresponsible” to describe actions like launching rockets at civilians while hiding behind civilian human shields.

Understanding the Pure Evil of Jihad | Radical Islam, American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ